Tuesday, 9 June 2015

Add a perfect finish to your Traditional ‪#‎Attire‬ by wearing this ‪#‎Designer‬ ‪#‎Churidar‬ from ‪#‎R‬.S.Brothers. ‪#‎Churidars‬ in latest designs exclusively available @R.S.Brothers.

‪#‎SareeSchool‬ ‪#‎SetMundu‬ ‪#‎Saree‬ is also called 'Mundu Neriyuthum' or 'set saree'. The festive variant is called ‪#‎KasavuMunudu‬ which has a ‪#‎Golden‬ color ‪#‎Border‬ or a broad zari border. Following are the step-by-step instructions for wearing this two-piece saree. 1. Mundu or the lower garment is wrapped around and secured at the waist. To start with insert one end of the garment into the petticoat (underskirt). Take the rest of the cloth from right hand side and bring it to the front. Make couple of pleates with the other end of the cloth, so that the vertical border is visible on the front side. Insert them at the waist. 2. Now take the settu or the upper garment and tuck one end of the cloth slightly to your left at the waist. Bring the cloth to right hand side from behind after covering your hips and diagonally put it onto the left shoulder covering the front torso, just a like normal saree. Let the loose end fall over your left shoulder. Make pleates and secure them with a pin on the left shoulder. 3. In traditional style Sttu is tucked inside the blouse, but in the modern style it is worn over the left shoulder. (Image copyrights belong to their respective owners)